Our Christmas Days are always crazy. This year we celebrated 4 Christmases with 4 different families before 12:30 PM. We had to get our girls up at 6:45 AM and have our own Christmas. Then it was off to my parent's house at 8:30 AM for Christmas all over again (they spoil us!!). Open presents there and then rush off to my Grandma and Grandpa Cowdell's (Mom's side) house for the BEST Christmas breakfast ever! It is my favorite part of Christmas Day!! Then race back to my parent's house for the Harris (Dad's side) Christmas party at 12:30 PM. CRAZY but fun! However this year we had soooooo much snow that we were late for everything because the roads were horrible. It usually takes us 8 minutes to get to our parent's houses, but with the snow it was over a half hour before we got there. As crazy as it always is, we have a lot of fun.

Looking at all the presents with Aunt Krista at Grandma and Grandpa's
Yeah!! More presents to open!!
This year my Mom made all of us a patchwork quilt. Each one fit our personalities. My Dad's was a fireman one, ours was a Utah Ute one (AWESOME), Krista's was horses, and the girls were all fairies, flowers and princesses. She started sewing these well before Halloween. She made us all think that she was just making them for the little girls, but surprised us with one for each of us. There were hundreds of hours of sewing in all of these. We love them! With it being so cold lately we have enjoyed having them to cuddle in and stay warm!! Thanks Mom!

All the GREAT Grand kids with GREAT Grandpa and Grandma Harris. Brinley was not exactly happy to have her picture taken. I think she was a bit tired from our marathon day.

When we finally got home on Christmas night, we couldn't even get in our driveway with all the snow we had that day. Thank goodness my Dad followed us over to help remove the snow. We had to park our car on the road and make a path to get the girls into the house. I always love it when it snows on Christmas. I wish for it every year. This year my wish came true and then some. I will always remember all the snow we got. It was beautiful!